ChatGPT Desktop Stealer Malware Investigation


ChatGPT desktop is stealer malware that have spreaded by some facebook pages that can steal your social media credentials, cookies etc. So here I have done some OSINT and malware analysis against this campaign.

Malware Investigation and Spreading

Many posts on facebook has spreaded a sponsored advertisement to download ChatGPT Desktop version 01.png 02.png 03.png 04.png

I think there’s more of these Facebook pages, but the common thing I have noticed is most of it is verified and related to middle east.

When I have gone to this website hxxps://chatgpt-pc[.]com it directed me to hxxp://chatbot-gpt[.]org 05.png

So when I tried to do whois against chatgpt-pc[.]com domain I have found this interesting information 06.png


Name Server:

Name Server:

From the nameservers I guess the operators are from the middle east region, Also I have looked up this email address and found that it’s related to some other domains with a bad reputations, for example: 07.png

Anyway, back to the download webpage itself, the download link has been shortened by Tinyurl 08.png

Which is redirecting to hxxps://trello[.]com/1/cards/63fb4a789b7d3643a88310bf/attachments/63fb4a80afd3baeaf63fbb84/download/Chat_GPT.rar which is a compressed rar file with 10MB in size 09.png

Decompile/Deobfuscate the Malware

So after downloading this rar file and unrar it, it contains two files Chat GPT.exe which is PE executable binary and lisence which is DLL file. 10.png

So when I have dropped the Chat GPT.exe binary file to DIE, I found that it’s packed with PyInstaller which is good evidence that this binary its a python binary file. 11.png

I used at first this script called pyinstxtractor which will extract the all the contents of the executable file generated by PyInstaller (.PYC , .PYD files). 12.png

The file that caught my eyes is MicrosoftOffice.pyc which is looks unique right there, but it’s a PYC which it’s python byte-code file so we need to decompile it first. I will use tool called Decompyle++ 13.png

So now the is readable, but not that much yet as it’s still obfuscated script 14.png

If you noticed here I have turned off the word wrapping temporary in vim so we can check the whole code.

So after doing some manual deobfuscation, removing eval function to prevent the code execution, commenting the unused modules and some find/replace variables with more readable variables it’s obviously that it’s XOR the string with randomly generated hex key I guess. 15.png

After running this script now, it will write the deobfuscated script to a which will have the actual code. 16.png

Code Auditing and Analysis

First of all the following part of code is actually copying the executable malware to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Startup\MS Excel.exe which makes the executable starts when the system boots up, like a simple persistent technique. 17.png

And then it check for some analysis tools process, so it will exit if it detectes any of those processes are running httpdebuggerui, wireshark, fiddler, regedit, taskmgr, vboxservice, df5serv, processhacker, vboxtray, vmtoolsd, vmwaretray, ida64,ollydbg, pestudio, vmwareuser, vgauthservice, vmacthlp, x96dbg, vmsrvc, x32dbg, vmusrvc, prl_cc, prl_tools, qemu-ga,joeboxcontrol, ksdumperclient, ksdumper, joeer 18.png

Then they have defined these telegram tokens and chatIDs that will be used to deliver the data, We will use these token later in the fun part xD 19.png

Here it used hxxp://lumtest[.]com/myip.json to get the public ip of the compromised target and more other information in a json format 20.png

I didn’t understand the below block of code what it’s actually trying to do here, but I found this interesting domain: hxxps://darktext[.]xyz/api/ 21.png

When tried to navigate to this website with non existing directory, This what we get. Which it indicates that this is a C&C domain for stealer malware. 22.png

Which I found that it’s a wordpress website, I really don’t know what they actually doing here but I will move on. 23.png

Dynamic Analysis

Depending on the static analysis above it checks for analysis tools processes, I already renamed these tools before running the malware inside my sandbox so will have no problem running it. I will use Wireshark, ProcMon and ProcessExplorer tools.

As we can see down below, it’s dumping data logins, passwords and cookies from chrome browser and write it to a txt file associated with country code and the public ip address, for example: FR-999.999.99.99-A0A8CD482F2F-Number-20-Cookies-KYC_ChatGPT_2702.txt 24.png

And it’s doing the same thing with Edge, CocCoc and Brave browsers. 25.png 26.png

So at network level, it first sends a GET request to lumtest[.]com to get the public ip address. 27.png

Then it connects to their C2 website darktext[.]xyz 28.png

And then it sends the stolen data to their telegram bot. 29.png

So finally it’s just a poorly written basic stealer malware

Let’s have some fun and spoil their campaign

Not gonna lie to you, I always find this entertaining when I found something similar to the telegram bots above when doing malware analysis and threat hunting. So I have created a script to send them a message to their telegram C2 bots every 15 minutes to freak them out 💀

import requests
import random
from time import sleep

def send_message(message, token, chatid):
    telegram_url = f'{token}/sendMessage'
        resp =, json={'chat_id': chatid, 'text': message})
        json_resp = resp.json()
        if json_resp['ok']:
            print("[+]Message Sent: " + json_resp['result']['from']['first_name'] + " => " +  json_resp['result']['chat']['first_name'] + "-" + json_resp['result']['chat']['last_name'] + " : " + message)
            print(f"[-]Message Error for => {token}: " + json_resp['description'])

    except requests.Timeout:
    except requests.ConnectionError:

def main():
    telegram_tokens = {
            "6081338685:AAFMXe9eiG9x-ZzF_efR2yWrnE0IkS-irDc": 5932495450,
            "6038393120:AAElT2cXKuXbji3T_pWaJHkEDaCVrcUl2Z4": 5932495450,
            "5860615356:AAEf6J2fZX407T1D6d5NACTdMdhl3_i0Kvk": 6100293198,
            "6046227776:AAFmwmK0IMXi-MSSr2N_2WcH5TimhaUL8G4": 6100293198,
            "6051783182:AAHj2sriGSCg8tHkUB341LmzLiD-1oKMVYU": 6100293198,
            "6210493637:AAGmgWiERqMXEhuD5drJ06exG-kLrXwQ5b0": 6100293198,
            "6279483567:AAHJhu-pP46p42GMtcAPJ3Jd2TdRYsZmJGw": 5874196672,
            "6008112720:AAEO6K8Zc1WCV7nUn69p_T67jjvWXROIaF0": 5874196672,
            "6112715294:AAEHgZE-_CYUfPiwgaJj6jHVTlsVbMUqbSs": 5874196672,
            "6194036713:AAF5k_phqlAamd8aqr04UvNl3SJpuYoR6mU": 5874196672,
            "5620659418:AAE0OUsicO32nd0sLaShUVQ1uk_5G-luWGA": 56275955431111,
            "5732348010:AAHrkbJ21sldWqQIqfoIrOKMQa_h2baebbc": 56275955431111,
    messages = [
            "You should find something else to do, You can't do hacking anymore lol 🤣",
            "The FBI is on there way right to you, YOU BETTER HIDE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️",
            "IT IS YOUR LAST CHANCE..."
    while True:
        for token, cid in telegram_tokens.items():
            send_message(random.choice(messages), token, cid)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Then I have upload it to one of my cloud server and executed it, I’m sure they are pissed off right now xD


  • Chat_GPT_infected.rar - RAR archive data, v5
Type Identifier
MD5 66d10732365703a35d8f4f34f0322023
SHA1 9f867fb31d6487ac79bedccce579380e20ace469
SHA256 053877cae27e1b2cb0aac24b5a562736be62d2756dc9897eca8e72e39ff385f9
SHA512 70f0a5abd01dc9a905df17b24cec7b301b4259e77ace224605d4555aa5712b04c45a7c6d6cadd38aaf4faea35c3ea099b91b0133dfdef96764ac7bc6550c52b8
  • Chat GPT.exe - PE32+ executable (GUI) x86-64, for MS Windows, 7 sections
Type Identifier
MD5 53374112a30641833f6698454e9ff38f
SHA1 738a1be6c5e8f0209514782e7e9c067db74e730a
SHA256 8626855a65c103c5de92ef643efb2f6b53f63bdffa387a5244d8c6ea4d6bf22a
SHA512 8295a8c6cbb7876ad9575accd558e4993e6cf77f9871c32504c6046364df0156a726967dedad404477925d527b7e85447f863fb5b552ea6837aea152e12ad917
  • lisence - PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, 5 sections
Type Identifier
MD5 bb989170fc7b8b74b8f7a5b270b75298
SHA1 4812e9ae3b2cd89b560ec3649e7735b76405b05a
SHA256 a396fdbe4fbadad75ba1f23b01cab2aea902614bb83b02debf2f947168621a89
SHA512 2b47ba97fd690f5a40ce3c0e990b9d0089b88982ad967ef4e34795c86b011f0a66f75c5f201fb71cb87d09c5e96e8476bf0a7c0d25c3365a485d39e1b14899b3
  • chatgpt-pc[.]com
  • darktext[.]xyz
  • chatbot-gpt[.]org
  • chatbot-gpt[.]com
  • chatbot-gpt[.]fr
  • chatbot-gpt[.]net
  • chatbot-gpt[.]tech