Hunting Vietnamese Threat Actors Responsible for Spreading Infostealer Malware

Today i’m gonna publish a threat hunting that I had done it since 24/8/2023 posted on X “Twitter” to be documented here. Have fun reading this 😁

Walkthrough Introduction

Recently I was monitoring the stealer malware campaign posted on the tweet below until I have good intel to share, Will show here how a script kiddies with minimum knowledge can establish a successful malware campaign. 1.png

Analyzing the malware statically

So I came across to this Video-Unplugging_XpVrimPZesAPXQws4E20-22100-88044.BAT file from so it viewed like the following. 2.jpeg

So I have deobfuscate it with this tool\batch_deobfuscator very easily, It downloads multiple files from hxxps://kholapqua[.]com 3.png

Each downloaded file has its role:

  • hxxps://kholapqua[.]com/ Contains python.exe standalone executable binary and its DLLs and Libs to run python malware script.
  • hxxps://kholapqua[.]com/ Contains another .bat file that downloads the python malware script again! But as you can see in the first .bat file it’s unzipping it to the path C:\\Users\\$([Environment]::Username)\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\'Start Menu'\\Programs\\Startup so it’s poor technique to gain persistence. 4.jpeg
  • hxxps://kholapqua[.]com/rmv Which it’s main role is to remove the downloaded files.
  • hxxps://kholapqua[.]com/4HINH2 And this is the final main malware script which is also obfuscated. 5.png


So after deobfuscating it, We see the telegram API token that will be used to deliver and store their stealer logs. Also, it kills chrome browser if its running which is a technique used to avoid errors like “File is used by another process, etc.” And also getting more info like IP, city, region, country. 7.png

Then, the script starts to dump login data and cookies of Chrome, Edge, Brave, Opera, CocCoc, Chromium, Firefox browsers and I came across another Telegram API token which was a bit odd. 6.jpeg


Hunting the Threat Actors

We are going to hack the hackers here :D HackTheHackerzzz

I decided here with the threat actors using this telegram API token of this campaign, So I got their first telegram bot from the script and saw some vietnamese languages and one owner with telegram handler bitch_jo 10.png

And the other bot which have 4 members:

  1. “Bussiness” with handler Business8668 11.png 12.png
  2. “Say My Name” with handler thomastom3313 13.png
  3. “Mafia ADS” with handler QA0426 14.png
  4. “Hinh Nguyen” with handler nguyenhinh8686 15.png So, Back to the first owner member bitch_jo in the first bot. I found that he is actively receiving too much logs of his stealer malware so I tried to have some info from him, As you can see below he told me that he is from Malaysia but he is not 😆 16.png

For sure he clicked and I have traced him and found he is from Vietnam. 17.jpeg

Later, he simply gave me his Facebook account but not sure if this is a stolen Facebook account or created by him. 18.png


I talked to him more further and I can assure you he is a completely noob 🤦‍♂️ Anyway, This trashy stealer is still active, Collecting credentials logs until now. TheEnd